Children's Matters
Discussions around Children form a large part of many Family Dispute Resolution processes, it is always wise to be prepared and aware prior to attending your FDR session.Children's matters can include many topics as you will see from the list below, however it is recommended that you always take the time to reflect on what you would like to achieve through your FDR process, drain away the emotion and ensure your focus in always child centric. Consult your Legal Representative and remember that in any matter involving a child, the rights lay with the child not with either parent.
Time spent with each parent
Special Days (Birthdays etc)
Extra Curricular Activities
Travel (including international)
Religion and Culture
Child Focused Dispute Resolution
Child Centric Practice is at the heart of everything Ellie delivers as a professional. Operating in a Trauma Informed way, and seamlessly focusing the process on the best interests of the child is what delivers great outcomes for children and their parents.
Parenting Plans
From Family Dispute Resolution, the content can be written into a parenting plan. This is an informal road map or set of rules that both parents have agreed to.
Consent Order Content
For agreements to be formalised and enforceable, the content can be taken and written into consent orders. This is then sealed by the courts. Speak to your legal representation regarding moving your agreement into consent orders.
Grandparents/Significant Person Time
From time to time Grandparents and other significant people in a Childs life can participate in Dispute Resolution in order to reach an agreement about contact with the child.
Property Matters
Property also forms an important part of separation, sometimes matters contain children or children & property or just property. It is important to consider your priorities around property prior to attending your Dispute Resolution session so you are best placed to make decisions and move forward. Some considerations could be:
Real Property (Principal Place of Residence and Investment Properties)
Antiques and other valuables
Cash at bank
Debts and loans
Section 60i Certificate
Section 60i Certificates are required before an application can be made to the Family Court. Ellie Thomas is approved by the Federal Attorney-General's Department to provide Section 60I Certificates.
Ready to resolve?
Click here to contact us and book in your intake appointment. We will work as hard as possible to provide you with an intake appointment as soon as possible in order to minimise the distress of separation.
Family Dispute Resolution is available online across Queensland and face to face in the Central Queensland Region.